Sunday, September 21, 2008

Who am I?

Who am I?
I do not know
Two parts, may be
One is a saint
But the repulsive, often, takes over
Who am I?
If not in the eyes of others I see me
A rowdy, little rough in the core
The saint wants to atone for
The vapid that knows nothing
A swimmer-with-the-current
That knows very little
The shunned that knows nothing
The wanna-be that fails
In all the things that matter

Why can't I just be?
A plain plain being.

Lalla Mina

*Painting by Nancy Wait

Saturday, September 20, 2008

أرق على أرق/ المتنبّي

وعذلت أهل العشق حتى ذقته *** فعجبت كيف يموت من لا يعشق

للّا مينا